The objective of the game is to slide by hand, all four of your color pucks alternately against your opponent, trying to reach the highest score area without falling into the alley.
Your pucks must be farther down the board than your opponent’s, in order to earn scoring position.
You can either bump off your opponent’s pucks, or be closer to scoring position.
Note: “Pucks” are also sometimes referred to as “shuffleboard weights.”
- With 2 players the game is played to 15. Both players shoot from the same end, alternating ends after each round
- With 4 players each team has two players. The game is played to 21 points. One member from each team stands at opposite ends of the board.
- Players toss a coin or otherwise choose who goes first and puck color. Note: Shooting last is an advantage.
- The first player slides his first puck toward the opposite end of the board, which becomes the scoring end.
- The opponent then shoots his first puck, attempting to either bump off the other player’s puck, or outdistance it.
- Players continue shooting their weights alternately, until all eight weights have been shuffled. When this has been done, one round of play has been completed.
- The player whose leading puck is farthest down the board (away from players) is the winner of the round. The winner’s score is totaled.
- A puck must be completely in a score zone to count. You have three zones 1, 2 or 3. To score puck muse be entirely in zone.
- A winning puck that extends over the far edge of the board is a hanger and counts as 4 points
- The winner of a round shoots the first puck down the table on the next round thus giving your opponent or the opposite team the hammer in that round
- The game continues until one team or player scores the winning point
- Pucks in the gutter or knocked off are forfeited and count as zero points
- If the leading pucks for each team are tied then no score is awarded
- Any puck that crosses the foul line closest to the shooter is considered a legal shot and will remain on the board
- To score one point the puck must be in the one zone that is between the furthest foul line and the 2 zone, generally any puck that crosses the foul line will still be awarded one point
- These are general rules for casual play.Note: Tournaments and sanctioned league play check with the tournament director for specific rules.

Tournament Fairplay:
- The board can only be waxed at the start of the game, players toss wax sand from the gutter onto the board. Applying additional wax during play is prohibited.
- Players may walk to the opposite end of the board to examine the position of the weights.
- For puck delivery a legal shot requires the player to have at least one foot on the ground.
- No physical or verbal harassment is allowed.
- No more than 30 seconds my pass between shots, this shall be considered slow play and may result in a one-point penalty.
- Legal shots or pucks that cross the foul line (closest to the player shooting) are determined by the tournament director.